Movie Easter eggs are fun little things to look for while watching. Easter eggs in video games are often the same thing, but sometimes the developers make you work to find them. DICE, the developer behind the Battlefield series, Star Wars: Battlefront, and the Mirror’s Edge games, has a reputation for including some great hidden secrets, but they often make you work to find them.
In no other case has this been more true than the latest Easter egg found in Battlefield 4. The game has been out for two years now, but new content is still being released for those who still play the game. Recently a new map titled “Dragon Valley” was released, which is an updated take on a Battlefield 2 map. And within this newly released map is one of the craziest, most complicated series of puzzles you’re ever going to see just to unlock a little hidden surprise.
You can see how the latest Battlefield 4 Easter egg plays out in the video below.
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