Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
Director: Morgan Neville
Writers: Christopher McQuarrie
Cast: Fred Rogers, Joanne Rogers, Betty Aberlin, Yo-Yo Ma, Joe Negri, David Newell, Junlei Li, François Scarborough Clemmons, Jim Rogers, John Rogers, Betty Seamans, Nick Tallo, Margaret Whitmer
Studio: Focus Features
Rated PG-13 | 94 Minutes
Release Date: June 29, 2018
My family and I went to see “that Mr. Rogers movie.” It’s sad when things like kindness and empathy are considered “weird,” isn’t it? My son incredulously asked, “Was he really that way in real life?” In the documentary, Won’t You be my Neighbor, that question is addressed, and the simple answer is yes. Fred Rogers was that way in real life. He was more as well. In a world of CGI space lords and blockbuster action movies, Fred Rogers is the biggest and best hero of any film in 2018.
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