Reactions to the first trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the upcoming reboot of the movie franchise being produced by Michael Bay and directed by Jonathan Liebesman, have been surprisingly mixed. Some people hate it, while others think it shows promise.
One thing that most appear to agree on, however, is that the turtles’ new look is, well…odd and creepy and perhaps a little bit Shrek-ish. Instead of the rounded nose area fans of previous TMNT comic, movie, and animated incarnations of Ninja Turtles are familiar with, it was decided to go with a flatter look and some prominent nostrils.
One fan was having none of it, and decided to photoshop the new turtles to look a little closer to the classic turtles. You can see the results below compared with the new look so you can decide for yourself which you prefer.
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