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Top 10 Movies Of 2017 … So Far – Seandps’s Picks
Seandps   |  

Movies of 2017 Logan Wolverine movie

As the Summer movie season comes to a close, it’s time to set aside our popcorn movies and head into the Oscar and horror seasons. It’s a good time to take a look at what the best Movies of 2017 so far are, and wonder what will still be on that list by the end of the year.

As of now, I have seen 57 new films this year, and am on pace for a record number of movies. I’m not exactly sure what my record is, but I think the mid 70s is a good guess. As always, that includes any movie I see for the first time, so the easiest first cut, is all of the older movies I see for the first time. And the process continues until I get only ten movies, and this year, I pretty much knew what the top movies were going to be. It was the end of the list that was the real issue.

So, here’s a look at my Top 10 Movies of 2017… so far.

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Honest Trailers Presents Its 200th Episode: ‘Logan’
Dr. Zaius   |  @   |  

Honest Trailers Logan

Today the gang at Screen Junkies celebrate their 200th episode of Honest Trailers, and what better way, than with one of the best films of 2017 thus far, Logan. Logan is technically part of Fox’s X-Men universe, but feels so much grittier and different than any of the previous films; less characters, less CGI, and more “stab-a-guy-through-the-head-while-cursing”… yeah, it’s different. “They didn’t even put X-Men or Wolverine in the title!”

Check out the Honest Trailer below.

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‘Logan’ Tries To Lure Moviegoers Away From Seeing ‘Beauty and The Beast’
The Movie God   |  @   |  


Disney’s live-action adaptation of their animated classic Beauty and the Beast is set to arrive in theaters tomorrow. As the title clearly states, that movie has a beast in it.

Logan was released a couple of weeks ago, and has done darn well at the box office, making $457.8 million worldwide so far. That movie also has a beast in it. And that beast still has some fight in it. Instead of sitting back, enjoying the success it has had, and appreciating whatever it does at the box office moving forward, Logan has decided to try to lure some moviegoers away from seeing Beauty and the Beast and into theaters showing the latest Wolverine movie instead.

This strategy comes in the form of a brief but effective TV spot, which you can check out below.

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Why ‘Logan’ Was The Perfect X-Men Epilogue and More Than A Comic Book Movie
Bombardier Jedi   |  @   |  

Logan Wolverine movie

For me, this is a hard article to write. What was going to be simply a slightly biased glowing review of the new Wolverine film Logan became something more in my mind. Of course I loved the movie and highly recommend seeing it, but the reasoning for that was something I felt deserved a more little more exposition.

A little background on my love of the Wolverine character: The first comic book I bought with my own allowance was a Wolverine comic. I grew up as a teen in the 90s and for me, the X-Men cartoon on Fox was a main staple of my Saturday mornings. It was why I got up early. Out of all the teenage mutant characters to identify with as a teenager, the one that was my favorite was of course Wolverine. He was an anti-hero for anti-heroes. Moody, irritable, hairy… all good reasons for me to love the guy, but not to mention that he was nearly unstoppable. Wolverine was one of the few characters universally feared it seemed. I wanted to be that guy. Villain and hero alike respected Logan. There is little to wonder why he became the biggest part of the X-Men universe. So back to my point. With the film Logan, it isn’t just director James Mangold honoring the end of Hugh Jackman‘s portrayal of Weapon X. No, Mangold is saying goodbye to the entire X-Men universe from 2000.

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Watch The ‘Deadpool 2’ Short That Appears Before ‘Logan’
eelyajekiM   |  @   |  

Deadpool Movie Review

The rumors are very true, there is a teaser attached to the front of Logan (check out our review here), Fox’s new Wolverine film. Of course, since it is an X-Men movie the teaser has to be related to the X-Men universe. Assuming that you haven’t seen Logan yet, the teaser (it’s really more of a short) is for Deadpool 2. So, to avoid spoilers, this is your only warning, check out the video here below.

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