The Return of Swamp Thing, the 1989 Jim Wynorski-direct film starring Heather Locklear and Dick Durock, is now online to watch for FREE for residents of the United States.
You can watch the full-length feature film here below.
The Return of Swamp Thing, which also stars Louis Jourdan and Sarah Douglas, is based on the DC/Vertigo comic book series Swamp Thing and is the sequel to Wes Craven’s Swamp Thing film.
Make no mistake, this movie is pure 80s cheesy goodness, but one thing it succeeds in is making you sympathetic to the Swamp Thing (Durock), a scientist who was transformed into a creature after a horrible lab experiment. And for the typical ’80s man-in-monster-suit, I think the Swamp Thing looks pretty good (the same can’t be said about the other fail experiment victims also roaming the swamps).
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