![Alice Cooper, Volume 1: Welcome To My Nightmare review Alice Cooper, Volume 1: Welcome To My Nightmare]()
Alice Cooper, Volume 1: Welcome To My Nightmare
Written by Joe Harris and Brandon Jerwa (issue 6)
Art by Eman Casallos and Nacho Tenorio (issue 6)
Colors by Aikau Oliva
Inks by Sergio Mora (issue 6)
Letters by Simon Bowland
Covers by David Mack
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: August 19, 2015
Cover Price: $24.99
Metal heads rejoice! Alice Cooper Volume 1: Welcome To My Nightmare is now available as a graphic novel! Collecting the first six issues of the series, this comic is everything you would expect from Alice Cooper. From the over-the-top ideas to the humorous and the horrific, you won’t be disappointed. It looks like the stage presentation was adapted for sequential art, and then embellished a tad.
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