| The Horror Of ‘Star Trek’: A Halloween Viewing Guide |

By Kevin David Anderson As a fan and writer of horror, I tend to look for and find the horror in everything. From romantic comedies to presidential debates, I can somehow see the terror, the dread, and the worse case scenario in all stories, real or imagined. But when it comes to my favorite science fiction franchise, Star Trek, the search for horror, both dark and scary, is never difficult. Not the dystopian horror of 1984 or The Hunger Games, but good old fashion B-movie creature feature Halloween horror; vampires, zombies, shape shifters, body snatchers, and even serial killers can all be found in Star Trek. So when you go to select some Halloween entertainment on this Hallows’ Eve, forget Freddy. That nightmare is over. Jason and Michael, give them a rest this year. This Halloween after the trick or treating is done, and the orange glow of jack-o-lanterns have been extinguished, settle in on the couch, dim the lights, and watch Star Trek. The following list of episodes is a mix of some of my personal favorites, and those suggested by followers of the Night of the Living Trekkies Facebook page. The horror begins with…
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| Curl Up With ‘Night of the Living Trekkies’ For Valentine’s Day
If you’re looking for the perfect geeky boy-meets-girl story to read for Valentine’s Day, look no further than Night Of The Living Trekkies by Kevin David Anderson and Sam Stall, where a Star Trek knowledgeable bellhop and a Slave Leia booth babe meet up at a Star Trek convention that’s about to be invaded by zombies! Grab it for your Kindle so you can read it immediately. Some Kindle devices have the text-to-speech feature, which is enabled for this book, so you can turn that on and you and your sweetheart can listen to the robot read you the book! Or, if you’re real fancy, curl up with your soulmate and a trusty phaser and listen to the Audio Book together. Geek love, ain’t it grand? For more on my thoughts on the book, check out the review I did for Night Of The Living Trekkies when it was first released back in 2010.
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| Doom Deliveries: Quirk Books 2010 Mix Tape
At the end of 2010, a nifty little item arrived from Quirk Books, the publisher of such titles as Dracula’s Heir, Night of the Living Trekkies, The Encyclopedia Shatnerica, and of course, their most popular offering, the zombie/classic lit mash-up Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: a Mix Tape! The image above was on the cover of the cassette case (click image to see the full view, including the actual tape), and inside was what looked like a cassette tape, but upon further inspection, I saw that it was actually a USB flash drive. A message inside explained that because the good folks at Quirk Books love me soooooo much, they put together a mix of songs as a thank you.
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