Revolution Aisle 9
Written By Brady Sullivan
Art By Andrea Shiavone
Letters By Bernie Lee
Back Row Comics
Release Date: July 18, 2012
Cover Price: $3.00
Digital Download: $0.99
Back Row Comics have started a series that will take place in a fictional town called Kent. An opening quote tells us “In a small town, past and present stand side by side, almost too close to tell the difference.” Revolution Aisle 9 takes this quote very seriously.
This first story, by Brady Sullivan, starts with a Revolutionary War soldier running from some British Redcoats. Due to some crazy voodoo, our soldier finds himself transported to our modern day 2012. The setting of our story from here on out takes place at a Wow-Mart, a bulk item style superstore. We are presented with every example of convenience and material obsessed American consumers. Our soldier, terrified, takes over the store. When confronted by the boys in blue he wages war with a number of inventive booby traps and weapons made from items available throughout the many departments.
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