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Rumors For Your Thought: Will We See The Riddler & Arkham Asylum In ‘The Dark Knight’ Sequel?
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The Riddler

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, now that it has been confirmed that The Dark Knight scribes Jonathan Nolan and David Goyer are working on a script that will eventually turn into Batman 3, the rumors will begin flowing like the booze of a father mercilessly dragged to a Jonas Brothers concert by his daughters.

While rumors are usually B.S. created simply in hopes of stealing attention and hits to ones website location, sometime they come from an actual source, and these are the rumors that come with just a little chance of actually being true as night time blackness. In the case of this particular rumor, everything sounds like it would make sense and nothing is absurd and over-the-top. This information is actually a couple of weeks old, as well, but since its first running, some positive updates have come around and supported the claims, leading myself to think there could actually be some truth going on here.

Click on over to find out what might be going on when Batman 3 reaches our eyes.

Instead of one rumor, it’s a grab bag of goodies related to director Christopher Nolan‘s Dark Knight follow-up, and most would be incredibly good news if true. The scoops come from ComicBookMovie and their inside source at Warner Brothers — an inside source who they can’t share details about so as not to reveal their identity, if you will.

OK — the first and most likely rumor-come-true of this bunch is that we will see The Riddler as a villain, and that he will identify who Batman really is. The source of these tid-bits supposedly helped plot the storyline out before handing it off to the big boys for script treatment, and that is how all of this is known, including what characters and (more importantly) villains we’ll see.

The Riddler has been a top superstar of rumors since the day The Dark Knight hit theaters and these rumors have begun. And since Nolan destroyed the perfect set-up of Two-Face as a villain, the best possible option is Riddler. Who will play him? Who knows! I personally think it’s a no-brainer Paul Bettany casting, but others would work fine, I’m sure.

Another very cool guest to this party, is that Arkham Asylum would play a big role in the movie. Considering how popular Batman: Arkham Asylum was, it would make plenty of sense to create a huge live-action reproduction of it. Along with this (and suspiciously like the game) many villains would make cameo appearances, but it’s not clear if they would be inmates or just passing by on the streets of Gotham City. Names dropped here include The Penguin, and Mr. Freeze, but only when he was still Dr. Fries.

Next up comes the dreamy or dreaded crossover idea. Marvel is making some huge movies with some juggernaut characters and ALL of them are going to show up in one movie together. So why shouldn’t DC Comics try something like this? IF this rumor plays out with any truth, it is said that Commissioner Gordon would make mention of Metropolis and maybe even a one Lex Luthor. A few days ago, this was a laughable thing for anyone to say, but now that we know Christopher Nolan is acting as a Godfather to the Superman franchise, everything seems to actually make sense, and it’s weirding me out, folks.

Lastly, this rumor claims that both Barbara “Batgirl” Gordon and Dick “Robin” Grayson could be in the movie, though it doesn’t sound like they would be costumed or fighting alongside Batman at all.

I still get sick just thinking about the day all of this is confirmed to be completely and totally false information, BUT, because of how much fun a lot of it would be, I have shared it with you and hope that it is somewhat valid stuff.

What do you guys think? Good stuff? All crap?


  1. “the first and most likely rumor-come-true of this bunch is that we will see The Riddler as a villain, and that he will identify who Batman really is.”

    This was 1/5 of the plot of Batman Forever. No thanks.

    I still think Talia Head and the League of Shadows exacting revenge on Batman is the most logical villain setup besides Gordon leading his faux charge against the ‘murderer’ Batman. This would also tie into the mob scene that has been present in both films. While part of me would like to see a good Riddler setup, I’m convinced that this trilogy thrives on character development and overall solid story structure. That’s what makes it work. Catering to fanboys’ every desire leads to just another bad comic book film. I say this as a fanboy, too.

    Comment by Slipstream — February 16, 2010 @ 2:59 am

  2. I think Talia and the League of Shadows would make for a really good ongoing sub-plot throughout the sequels, possibly leading up to a bigger part of the story later. I was’t so keen on the martial arts part of the story but that’s my taste. I understand and accept that part of Batman Begins for setting up Batman’s origin but for now, I’m still really interested in seeing the larger than life villains reimagined for the real world.

    The Scarecrow was pretty cool and I liked the cameo in The Dark Knight. Kinda sets Gotham City up for an ongoing menace from these supervillains. The Joker was undeniably perfect and I’m happy with what they did for Harvey Dent/Two-Face, giving him a proper background, motivation and a (somewhat) satisfying demise that, in my opinion, was good enough to make up for the Tommy Lee Jones mess. I’m really glad they did away with the Rachel Dawes character! ick! Penguin? Nah…too cartoony and while I think The Penguin was a bit exaggerated in Batman Returns, I can’t picture anyone else doing a better job on screen for the character than Danny DeVito or Tim Burton. I’m OK with the Riddler but I’d like to see him as more of an evil force, something playful but entirely sinister, someone you wouldn’t want to come face to face with in a dark alley, much less bump into during the light of day (Jim Carrey cartoons do not apply here)! Yeah, I think Riddler would be OK if the next movie was done with a slight horror bent to it.

    A personal favorite of mine would be Man-Bat, though I suspect we’ll never see him in a live action movie. I like the idea of someone trying to mimic Batman, developing a formula to gain hightened abilities to match the tall tales being reported of a “bat man” protecting Gotham city. This could potentially be a metaphor for the struggle of Batman as a person versus Batman as a monster, the way others may perceive him based on the stories and news reports. Obviously, Batman (the human being) would win out over Man-Bat (the monster) and there’s no way Man-Bat could live to see another movie. But that’s just the nostalgic comic book fanboy in me hoping for something fantastical. Riddler is definitely more realistic and (likely) more mainstream acceptable. :::sigh:::

    Comment by Paul — February 16, 2010 @ 9:47 am

  3. And seriously? NOT liking this “Halo Legends” wallpaper! it’s just awful…

    Comment by Paul — February 16, 2010 @ 9:48 am

  4. yeah, this background blows.

    i’ve said it before, but the riddler would be excellent, if he’s played more like john doe from seven.

    too bad casting kevin spacey would make it very obvious, but the tone of john doe would fit this series perfectly.

    please no talia, no ras al ghul, really uninteresting and if it wasn’t for the slow pace of the first movie they would’nt have fit at all.

    Comment by mo — February 16, 2010 @ 10:41 am

  5. It’s crap.
    Bale has said that he’ll walk away from the franchise if Robin’s presence is even suggested.
    Besides, they wouldn’t make the movie based on the success of a videogame. That´s just not the way the Nolans work.
    Now, the Riddler and Metropolis references… that sounds plausible.

    Comment by Hassan George — February 16, 2010 @ 4:41 pm

  6. I can understand the bad reaction putting the League of Shadows back in. I guess I would like to see that story wrap, as not a single one of them died but Ra’s. Anyone notice that? They just disappeared. Maybe just a plot hole. In any case, if they did go Riddler, especially in this moody, pseudo realistic world it would indeed be interesting.

    Comment by Slipstream — February 16, 2010 @ 5:01 pm

  7. Hush!

    Why cant we see Michael C Hall as Hush; outwitting and humiliating Bruce, pushing him to his limit, psychologically destroying him? I love Batman, but we have had Chaos with the Joker; why not bring in stringent logic in the form of Hush?

    Also, for the Hush storyline to work we would need to bring in Selena Kyle (i know, i know, people are worried since what Halle Berry did to her) and Clayface.


    Comment by Ajay — February 17, 2010 @ 10:02 am

  8. OK…completely forgot about Hush. A worthy idea!

    Comment by Paul — February 17, 2010 @ 2:09 pm

  9. im down with hush as the bad guy

    riddler is such a crap character – far too camp for the nolan gotham as are the penguin and catwoman

    Comment by iseeyoupenguin — February 22, 2010 @ 8:16 am

  10. Gordon doesn’t have a daughter in this franchise–unless she’s the lovechild of the policewoman from Year One. But sidekicks are stupid, and at least Bale is smart enough to know it.

    I don’t see any reason to ruin a good thing. The last thing we need is a nerdified Dark Knight. No sidekicks. No superpowers. No aliens.

    And no more stupid rubber/plastic masks. Give the Bat some dignity. Give him the cowl, Nolan!

    Comment by Buck Fugly — February 23, 2010 @ 3:32 am

  11. BTW, Hush wasn’t a logical character. He was fleshed out a lot more in the follow-up series, “Heart of Hush”, but it’s still senseless for him to want to ruin Bruce Wayne for money, envy, or vengeance.

    Comment by Buck Fugly — February 23, 2010 @ 3:42 am

  12. Lets see a good broken bat here with Bane! Right?

    Comment by dn — May 11, 2010 @ 12:33 am

  13. To finish off the Batman story you have to stay consistant with the story there telling. You have to take it back to the begining. Where Bruce travles the world looking to become even more of a righteous hero, after the chaos that happend in Gotham. On that trip he could face vilians like killer Croc, Posion Ivy, and Bane, vilians that don’t have to be in Gotham. While back in Gotham there is some calm, Gordon weeded out all the corrupt cops, and now has a strong honest police force. The Batman legned in Gotham is he is a killer of freaks, mobsters and corrupt cops.

    Comment by ralph el perro — May 21, 2010 @ 11:43 pm

  14. There has been a lot of ideas and rumours buzzing round the net for a few years now. Some of my favourites where the penguin to be played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman, a perfect choice and the character should be similar to the character from MI3, insane, dark and a genius. The Riddler has been rumoured and is probably most likely and it has been said that Depp or David Tennant are in the running to play him. I love the idea of Tennant playing the Riddler however it would be interesting to see how he works on screen. Depp on the other hand I would rather see take the reigns and the giant shoes to fill set by the late Heath Ledger(The Joker). I think Depp would be a great Joker and not just a carbon copy of Heath which I don’t think any of us would like but rather take the joker in a different direction because it would be such a shame 2 just let the character die. Joker has always been Batmans greatest foe and I think by changing the joker Nolan can show exactly why this is. I think the commisioners daughter could potentially play a role but definatly not as Batgirl. I think a character to maybe take over from Morgan Freeman (should he decline to return), like in the game Arkham Asylum as the Oracle. If there was any mention of a robin character in the next film the only way i would even watch it is if the joker battered him to death in the same movie. Finally Arkham Asylum I can see making an appearence in the next film but not as grand as stated showing us various inmates etc, but on a much smaller and breifer scale more paying homage to the game than anything else.

    Comment by IMPACT — June 4, 2010 @ 4:56 pm

  15. A couple things: 1) Nolan has said NO meta humans or anything CG necessary (i.e. Clayface, Freeze, Croc) He wants to tell the story of BATMAN. Where he came from, his emergence as a hero and how he chooses the precarious path we all know he will. Nolan also nixed Penguin (I think Riddler, too). In reference to the Riddler comments, he wouldn’t work with Nolan anyways. RIddler isn’t the psychopthic killer type or dark enough for Nolan’s Batverse.
    2) He will cast no-names unless they are so out-of-this-world amazing. SO, no Johnny Depps or Angelina Jolies. Again, it’s about the story, not a fanboy’s wet dream. I say this as a fangirl who would love to see Riddler.
    3) Nolan said this is the last one he’ll do. He wants to end the ‘arc’ and show a glimpse of what Batman becomes. And I thought C. Bale has said he wouldn’t accept Robin if they hinted at more than a partnership. I didn’t think he ruled out Robin at all.

    Now, the villain I want to see – hear me out – is Catwoman. Because she is so important to the Batman mythos. She is an excellent fighter, a vixen who tests his willpower. She is as iconic a villain (not just fanboy adoration) as Joker. If you want to show the future of Batman, show how Bruce/B-man is willing to give up the love of his life (not stupid Rachel Dawes) to keep his mission. Same thing with Robin. A partner/apprentice is an integral part of Batman. Accepting that he has to give up control and trust in someone else. I think they should bring that in, since the third film will likely start with Batman as a renegade.

    Villains I’d like to see (other than Catwoman) – Hush, Red Claw, Black Mask. Bane (tho Nolan probably won’t)

    ((Just a thought – could you imagine what Nolan could do with a Live-action Arkham Asylum? wow))

    Comment by Paige — August 9, 2010 @ 11:14 am

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