By Seaberry
Funrama Presents: The Mutant Punks #1
Written and drawn by Ryan Kelly
Published by Ryan Kelly
Price: $3.00
Release Date: April 12, 2010
Do not call the anarchists. Anarchists are peace-loving hippies. Do not call them terrorists. Terrorists have ideals. Terrorists have a perception of right and wrong. Do not call them pirates. They eat pirates for breakfast. They are one thing and one thing only”¦ The Mutant Punks!
This description is taken from Funrama Presents: The Mutant Punks #1, and I feel that it describes the wall-to-wall, crazy action in this book far better than I ever could.
DMZ and Northlanders artist Ryan Kelly has self-published an irreverent yet enjoyable comic that introduces us to these characters. The Mutant Punks consist of Concord, who uses his flying powers to fly and do other flying-type things; The Fog, who jumps into people’s bodies and controls them; Twisterella, Concord’s wind-generating girlfriend; Lead Head, a superhumanly strong, toxic, and sentient mass of lead; and Bombcat, who’s a cat… with bombs.
This book is just complete and utter chaos as the Mutant Punks attack everybody. When they go to the mall, even Santa gets dealt with! When they attack the White House, they stick it to the President!
This book is not about character development or trying to win an Eisner. This book is purely about the destruction unleashed upon the world by totally irredeemable characters. So, if you’ve been looking for a book that doesn’t take itself seriously at all, and think that carnage can be cool, this is definitely a book that you need to buy.
Ryan Kelly is selling the book at conventions and through his website Please support this book. The world of comics needs more wacky, fun characters like the Mutant Punks to balance out the serious, brooding comics that critics (including myself) go on and on about. Mutant Punks makes no sense at all, and that’s what makes it totally awesome!!
This sounds pretty awesome!
Comment by BAT — April 29, 2010 @ 12:11 am