Each and every week “I am the tag team champions!” Henchman21 AND “NO! I AM THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!” MK2Fac3 read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. Naturally, they looks forward to some more than others. I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of their pull lists, grab some comics, and they’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of October 17, 2012. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.
Well, well, well, look who’s making his triumphant return? It’s me, it’s me, it’s the d-o-double-me. That’s right, you might have thought I was dead, and I might have been, but I’ve been resurrected by a magical coven of three unholy sorceresses who wish to remain nameless. But much like a Marvel Zombie, not only am I amongst the walking dead, but I’ve also got the magical power of watching loads of professional wrestling and reading comics. There’s been a lot that I’ve missed out on, but let’s get back in the spirit of Halloween with some great comics that might just spook your brain. Well, at least my picks will do that, Chris on the other hand, he does whatever he wants. And oh yeah, Batman is freaking awesome. Get out of my face. GoD List!!!!
B.P.R.D. 1948 #1 (of 5) (Dark Horse Comics – $3.50): The Hellboy universe is one of the strongest and best combinations of action and horror, and B.P.R.D. accentuates these strengths as well as any other Mignola comics. While I haven’t personally read all of the books in this universe, what I’ve read, I’ve loved. This week is the kick off of B.P.R.D.‘s 1945 mini-series co-created by some of the greatest names in comics with Mike Mignola, John Arcudi, Max Fiumara and Dave Stewart, and if the past has any influence on the future (for non-history majors, it does), this will not only be an excellent comic to read in the month of October, closing in on the greatest day of the year, it will also be a wonderful comic to read at any time, on any day, in any year. If you haven’t yet started reading B.P.R.D., what better time than time than now, and if you not you, then who?
Marvel Zombies Halloween (Marvel Comics – $3.99): I’m not one to give too much of a curse word for the Marvel Zombies series, but it’s October, and this is a son of a gun Halloween comic, and that’s enough for me to tell you that you need to read it. Basically, any comic that says “Halloween” on the cover is a comic that I’m going to endorse, even Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose. No, no, I can’t suggest that you read that. But Marvel Zombies is sure to be better than Tarot, so that’s something to look forward to!
Saucer Country #8 (Vertigo Comics – $2.99): Saucer Country has easily been one of my favorite comics of the year. Paul Cornell and Ryan Kelly (for most of the run) have created an amazing tale of a presidential candidate who, before announcing her candidacy, gets abducted by aliens. It’s a comic that honestly approaches the idea of extra terrestrial life in a unique way, and it’s a really nice change of pace compared to most sci-fi comics. Speaking of sci-fi comics, some may say that they have no business being mentioned in a section dedicated to Halloween, but I think those people should just go and run into a wall, because Science Fiction is about one half step from horror. I mean, Tommy Doyle isn’t reading Neutron Man in Halloween for nothing, right? Anyway, Saucer Country is incredible, and it’s wonderful October reading.
Dudes and ladies, just check out IDW’s horror section. They’re having this crazy sale where comics like 30 Days of Night and Doc Macabre all the way to books like Frankenstein Mobster. The discount is dynamic, so check your stores for more info, but they’re solicited at like $4.99. That’s freaking awesome. I’m going to go listen to some more Misfits songs, here’s The Hench.
Godzilla: The Half Century War #3 (of 5) (IDW Publisher – $3.99): The first couple issues of this series caught me by surprise, and I feel bad for not bringing the series up before, but I am here to make up for my mistake and tell you just how awesome Godzilla: The Half Century War is. First and foremost, this is an art showcase, and if you know me, you know how much I love a finely drawn comic. The series is written and drawn by James Stokoe, who’s other major work is the Image series Orc Stain, and if you’ve ever read Orc Stain, you’ll know what you’re in for with this series. Stokoe has a hyper detailed style a la Geof Darrow or Katsuhiro Otomo. There are roughly half a billion lines on the page and each one is there for a reason. The story is about a group of Japanese military men who are among the first to encounter Godzilla during his original rampage in the 50’s. They go on to fight Godzilla in different settings, with this issue taking the team to Ghana in 1975. The Half Century War captures everything that is great about Godzilla, telling a very personal and human story against the backdrop of giant monsters beating the crap out of each other. Check this book out, and while you’re at it pick up Orc Stain or else I’ll unleash some atomic breath on your chump head!
Cyber Force #1 (Top Cow/Image Comics – FREE, baby!): Back up half a second. Did you see that price there? Because that is not a typo. Free Comics, baby! Some of the greatest words in the English language right there, just behind Free Tacos, and just ahead of Free Pie. Through the magic of Kickstarter, Top Cow is releasing the first five issues of their relaunch/reimagining for absolutely nothing. This is the 20th anniversary of Cyber Force, and creator Marc Silverstri is dropping the characters into a new world. According to the Kickstarter text “the essence of the new Cyber Force is bio-cybernetic steampunk.” What does that mean? Hell if I know, but I’ll check it out because it’s fr-digity-ee. Get this issue and then buy two other books to help out your local store who had to pay for shipping to bring this to you.
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire – Hard Targets #1 (Dark Horse Comics – $2.99): Okay, I don’t actually know much about this series, other than the Star Wars part, which I’m kind of familiar with. But what has got me interested in this series is the cover and the description of the story. From Dark Horse “Jahan Cross returns to his homeworld of Alderaan for a celebration hosted by Bail Organa in honor of the current Count Dooku. But the situation turns deadly when an assassin kills the Count, and Cross finds himself working both sides of the intrigue!” The cover looks like a 1970’s spy movie starring Lee Marvin and Persis Khambatta, and it looks awesome. Writer John Ostrander is an old hand at these Star Wars comic series, and I like to see him adding something different to the Extended Universe. I mean, spies meet Star Wars? Sign me up for that. I can’t imagine this being as good as I may have built it up in my mind, but even if it’s half as good, I will get some enjoyment out of this.
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