![Week of Geek: San Diego Comic Con International 2010 Week of Geek: San Diego Comic Con International 2010]()
We here at Geeks of Doom are all pretty big fans of Robert Kirkman‘s comic series The Walking Dead from Image Comics, and needless to say we’ve all been looking forward to the upcoming series that will air on AMC, premiering in October during their Horrorfest line of movies.
Friday’s Walking Dead panel at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con brought with it our first look at the series, and let me say that it is looking spectacular. The series, masterminded by writer/director Frank Darabont (The Green Mile, The Mist, and a little movie called The Shawshank Redemption) and produced by Gale Anne Hurd (The Terminator, Aliens), follows Rick Grimes as he wakes up from a gun shot wound to find that he’s slept through the zombie apocalypse and must find his wife and son. Kirkman, Darabont, and Hurd were all on hand to give some details about the show.
The preview played during the panel showed the set up for the series, with police officer Frank Grimes (Andrew Lincoln, who was also on hand at the panel) being shot in pursuit of a criminal, and then waking up in the hospital to find its been deserted and the dead are roaming the earth. Many of the zombies were shown during the preview, and they all looked great, and were very much in the style of the comic. All in all, the preview made me very hopeful for the series, and safe to say that fans of the comic will be very happy when they see the premiere.
The creators referred to the first six episodes as 6 one-hour movies, and said that while they plan to follow the main storyline of the comic, fans of the comic should expect a lot of surprises along the way. Like other AMC shows, they plan to push the edge in terms of content and said that the preview shown at the panel had to be cut back due to requests from the convention. They plan to show plenty of blood and guts, so zombie fans shouldn’t be worried that this will be a PG version of a zombie movie.
Also announced today was that Bear McCreary, who did the music for Battlestar Galactica, would be handling the music duties for The Walking Dead. Other odds and ends that were announced today were that Walking Dead artist Charlie Adlard will be in the show as a zombie, that the creators have approached some well known horror directors to direct later episodes in the series (cough* Romero *cough), and that the creators were planning on including a black and white version of the episodes for the eventual DVD release.
To say that the audience was pleased with the footage shown today goes without saying. AMC already has two of the best shows on TV, and it looks like they are all set to add a third. If anyone was worried about the show, they should know the property is in good hands.
Comment by Harkonen — July 24, 2010 @ 7:44 am
Can. Not. Wait.
October can’t come fast enough.
Comment by pandabait — August 12, 2010 @ 8:52 pm