The first trailer for the Farrelly Brothers‘ long-awaited and oft-troubled new take on The Three Stooges has arrived, and it is pretty painful to watch.
There was always a dim ray of hope that maybe the movie would end up surprising us with word that it would be in three segments and that they would be able to use the Three Stooges theme music, as well as rumored stars like Jim Carrey, Sean Penn, and Benicio Del Toro. But as you’ll see, with stars Will Sasso, Sean Hayes, and Chris Diamantopoulos (not to mention Snooki from MTV’s Jersey Shore, for some inexplicable reason) this is already the vandalization of a beloved classic we feared it would be.
You can see the trailer for The Three Stooges by clicking on over to the other side now.
It’s not even so much the Stooges themselves—the three actors playing them appear to do a somewhat decent job impersonating them, all things considered—but they don’t belong in modern times with iPhones and Snookies running around. Just like the Smurfs in New York City, it instantly looks and feels horribly wrong. If we’re going to keep remaking stuff, can someone just leave said stuff wherever it is that it belongs for once?
I’ve always been a fan of the Farrelly’s, Peter and Bobby, even when most others had grown sick of them. But lately it’s been hard not to wonder what happened to the days of Kingpin and There’s Something About Mary, and some days—today in particular—you just have to step back, put on your best Ralphie from A Christmas Story face, and ask one question: What the fudge?
[Source: Apple]
I like it!! This just might work!!! I will see it when it is released next year!! LONG LIVE THE STOOGES!!!
Comment by Ralphyp1 — December 10, 2011 @ 7:59 am