Team Arrow hit Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday night, and fans were treated to the season 3 highlight reel, to get them ready for the October 7th season 4 premiere. The panel consisted of Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen/Arrow), David Ramsey (Diggle), John Barrowman (Malcolm Merlyn), Katie Cassidy (Laurel Lance/Black Canary), Emily Bett Rickards (Felicity), Willa Holland (Thea), Paul Blackthorne (Quentin Lance); executive producers Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kriesberg, Wendy Mericle, and Marc Guggenheim, and Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns.
Watch the sizzle reel and take a look at the costume below.
Two new characters were announced at the panel. We heard about Damien Darhk from R’as al Ghul (Matt Nable) at the end of season 3, as an old enemy of his. Neal McDonough (Agent Carter, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D) has been cast as this new player in town. Two other characters that will show up in Star City are Anarky and Mr. Terrific. Executive Producer Greg Berlanti revealed at the panel that Mr. Terrific will be gay.
For the transition from Arrow to Green Arrow, Amell will don a new costume, that’s a lot more leather and a lot less sleeve. I’m not worried. He definitely has the muscle. The fans were treatd to a visit from Green Arrow (Stephen Amell) in full costume. He said:
“San Diego Comic-Con, you have not failed this city.” Amell also said he — well, Oliver Queen — has “lost people forever.” “But Star City — not Starling City — still needs heroes.”
“All of you have come so far, and I ask you come a little bit further — with the Green Arrow.”
Amell tweeted a pic of the costume:
Berlanti said of the new costume:
It shows a progression for Oliver Queen from “Arrow to Green Arrow. (The costume) is going to reflect who he becomes, not where he has been.”
[Source: CBR]
Be sure to check out all of our coverage of this year’s SDCC.
ARROW Comic-Con 2015 Highlight Reel #WBSDCC
Description: Fans last saw Oliver Queen riding off into the sunset with the object of his affection, Felicity Smoak. But was his eventual defeat of R’as al Ghul enough to make things right with Team Arrow? Attendees at the Comic-Con panel for the hit Warner Bros. Television/The CW series on Saturday, July 11, 2015, in Hall H caught this action-packed recap of season three, and now, so can you. ARROW returns for season four on Wednesday, October 7, at 8/7c on The CW. #WBSDCC (© 2015 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.)
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