Brandon Zayas is an 11-year-old boy from Brooklyn, NY. He first saw Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope when he was 6 years old, and has now seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens twice, with more views to come. He regrets ever seeing The Phantom Menace.
Here’s Brandon’s thoughts on the new film.
1. The first and most obvious question – What did you think of the new Star Wars movie?
Good. I liked the scene where Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) reveals his lightsaber at the beginning. I also liked the fight between him and Rey (Daisy Ridley). And the part where Finn (John Boyega) says they’ll use the Force and Han Solo (Harrison Ford) says, “That’s not how the Force works!” That’s funny.
2. Rank the movies from worst to best (7 to 1).
7. The Phantom Menace
6. Attack Of The Clones
5. Return Of The Jedi
4. Revenge of The Sith
3. A New Hope
2. The Force Awakens
1. The Empire Strikes Back
3. Interesting. Most think all the prequels are worse than the originals. Why did you rank Sith ahead of Jedi?
It was really close, but I felt like Sith grabbed my attention more, even with the awful CGI, it still was pretty cool with all the ships battling. And once they landed, the battle with Count Dooku (Christopher Lee) was really cool.
5. Who is your favorite new character from The Force Awakens?
Poe (Oscar Isaac) definitely. He’s my favorite pilot – the X-Wing battle where he’s spinning around and shooting all the TIE Fighters was awesome.
6. Who do you think Snoke (Andy Serkis) really is?
I think he’s Darth Plagueis, because in Revenge of the Sith, Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) tells Anakin (Hayden Christensen) that Plagueis is wise, and can save people from death, but not himself. And [in the new movie] Kylo Ren says that Snoke is wise. And there is a book, Darth Plagueis by James Luceno, that has a cover of what looks like Snoke with Palpatine kneeling down before him.
7. Any other theories?
I kinda think Darth Plagueis is Jar Jar Binks (Ahmed Best) reincarnated. I think Luke (Mark Hamill) is afraid to take his lightsaber because he doesn’t want to remember what happened to Ben Solo. I think Rey is Luke’s daughter, because Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyong’o) tells Rey to take the lightsaber. That was Luke’s and his father’s before him, and “now it calls to you.”
8. What are your predictions for Episode VIII?
I think Luke will train Rey. He won’t take the lightsaber, because it’s hers now. I think Snoke’s backstory will be revealed. Kylo Ren will go after Rey. I think Finn will become a Han Solo character. General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) will gain more power and Kylo Ren will not rise to power like he does. And Poe will die in a dramatic way.
9. A lot of adults got teary during The Force Awakens. Did you?
There you have it, folks, an 11-year-old’s perspective of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
I believe I’m in the minority, but I thought the movie was uninspired, dull and a very lazy rip off of the original films plot, story and specific scenes. Not worthy of the fan adulation. I’m a huge fan of Tron for example, but can tell you the latest wasn’t great. At least it wasn’t blatantly regurgitating the original movie’s entire story.
It annoys me when fanboyism gives things a pass when they shouldn’t get one.
Comment by jwhyrock — January 4, 2016 @ 1:58 am