| Comic Spotlight: Dark Horse Number Ones |

Dark Horse Number Ones
Written by Cullen Bunn, Matt Kindt, Gerard Way, Joelle Jones, Jamie S. Rich, Kurtis Wiebe, Mike Mignola, Jeff Lemire, Brian Wood, Sharlene Kindt, Dave Stewart
Art by Gabriel Ba, Joelle Jones, Dean Ormston, Matt Kindt, Mack Chater, Mindy Lee, Tyler Crook,
Colors by Laura Allred, Dave Stewart, Sharlene Kindt, Lee Loughridge, Leonardo Olea, Andy Cotnam, Tyler Crook
Letters by Tyler Crook, Dave Stewart, Crank!, Todd Klein, Marie Enger, Nate Piekos, Clem Robins
Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: March 29, 2017
Cover Price: $6.00 Okay, first off, if I have to try to convince you to buy a comic that contains eight premiere issues for a measly six bucks then I might just have to reassess what I am doing here. I have reviewed any number of these titles at different times and I cannot even begin to stress to you how great of a deal this is. Dark Horse Comics continues to amaze me with their marketing strategies. I can think of no better way to test out some new comics than with this compilation. Folks, I present to you Dark Horse Number Ones!
...continue reading » Tags: Andy Cotnam, Black Hammer, Bounty, Brian Wood, Briggs Land, Clem Robins, Crank!, Cullen Bunn, Dark Horse Comics, Dark Horse Number Ones, Dave Stewart, Dean Ormston, Dept. H, Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way, Harrow County, Hellboy, Jamie S. Rich, Jeff Lemire, Joëlle Jones, Kurtis Wiebe, Lady Killer, Laura Allred, Lee Loughridge, Leonardo Olea, Mack Chater, Marie Enger, Matt Kindt, Mike Mignola, Mindy Lee, Nate Piekos, Sharlene Kindt, The Umbrella Academy, Todd Klein, Tyler Crook | |
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| Comic Review: Neil Gaiman’s How To Talk To Girls At Parties
Neil Gaiman’s How To Talk To Girls At Parties
Story by Neil Gaiman
Adaptation, Art, and Lettering by Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá
Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: June 22, 2016
Cover Price: $17.99 I swear Neil Gaiman is like King Midas in some ways. It seems that everything he touches turns to gold. This comic book adaptation of his short story How To Talk To Girls At Parties, is just another example of one of Gaiman’s works being transmogrified in the best of ways. To paraphrase an old idiom: There’s more than one way to re-envision a Neil Gaiman story. I liked the story when I first read it but being the comic nerd I am, I absolutely love this graphic novel in ways I can only barely express. But allow me to try. Check it out below.
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| Comic Review: Two Brothers
Two Brothers
Written by Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon
Art by Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon
Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: October 14, 2015 When you encounter literary snobs who turn their noses up at graphic novels, Two Brothers will shut them up. Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba have adapted Milton Hatoum’s award-winning Dois Irmãos (translated into 13 languages including English, entitled The Brothers). Two Brothers is a 230-page opus delivering a complex story revolving around twin brothers Omar and Yaqub. (Note the irony? Moon and Ba are also Brazilian twin brothers.) Four years in production, this sprawling family history jumps through time in ten chapters, bursting with dramatic panels.
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| Comic Review: Casanova, The Complete Edition Volume 3: Avaritia |
By Goodman
| April 9th, 2015 at 5:00 pm |
 Casanova, The Complete Edition Volume 3: Avaritia
Written by Matt Fraction
Art and Cover by Gabriel Bá
Colors by Cris Petter
Letters by Dustin Harbin
Image Comics
Release Date: April 14, 2015
Cover Price: $29.99
When we first see Casanova Quinn in the open pages of Avaritia, he’s like we’ve never seen him before: sad, angry, hating his job after years of loving it. After the events of Gula, our favorite E.M.P.I.R.E. agent is destroying alternate realities in an attempt to stop his nemesis, Newman Xeno, from ever existing. But it’s the more subtle thing that continues to blow me away every time I revisit this story: when we first see Casanova — he has Xs for eyes. It’s one of many signals that this arc of Casanova will be unlike we’ve seen before.
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