Each and every week “Sweet Lou” Henchman21 reads a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. He looks forward to some more than others, I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of his pull lists, grab some comics, and he’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of October 10, 2012. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.
It’s a big week of comics as Marvel NOW! kicks off and a the Joker returns to torture Batman, among many other things which I’m sure are also happening in any number of books. There are a ton of books to get this week, including one very special book. So find a paper clip, some chewing gum, and a couple of rubber bands, and make some kind of space ship to take you to your nearest comic retailer, because it’s time for the GoD List!
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