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TV Review: The Returned 1.10 “Peter”
Olympus Athens   |  @   |  

The Returned

The Returned
Season 1 Episode 10: “Peter”
Directed by Deran Sarafian
Written by Raelle Tucker
Starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kevin Alejandro, India Ennenga, Sandrine Holt, Mark Pellegrino, Mat Vairo, Tandi Wright, Michelle Forbes, Leah Gibson, Aaron Douglas, Dylan Kingwell, Sophie Lowe, Agnes Bruckner, Jeremy Sisto
Air Date: Monday, May 11th, 2015, 10pm

Last week on The Returned, we saw how Helen (Michelle Forbes) died. And our feelings about her insanity were justified when we saw she was in an asylum BEFORE she died.

Peter (Jeremy Sisto) confesses at the memorial that the reason the others shouldn’t ostracize Camille (India Ennenga), because he too, died and came back.

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TV Review: The Returned 1.8 “Claire”
Olympus Athens   |  @   |  

The Returned 108-02

The Returned
Season 1 Episode 8: “Claire”
Directed by Stephen Williams
Written by Raelle Tucker
Starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kevin Alejandro, India Ennenga, Sandrine Holt, Mark Pellegrino, Mat Vairo, Tandi Wright, Michelle Forbes, Leah Gibson, Aaron Douglas, Dylan Kingwell, Sophie Lowe, Agnes Bruckner, Jeremy Sisto
Air Date: Monday, April 27th, 2015, 10pm

Let’s recap The Returned 1.7 “Rowan,” before talking about this week’s episode.

We learned more about Rowan (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) last week. We now understand why she didn’t freak out when she saw Simon (Mat Vairo). She had visions of him before. At that point she couldn’t take it, and took a bunch of pills to end it all. Tommy (Kevin Alejandro) found her in time. Simon approached Chloe in the park with a message for her mother – he’s coming for them tonight. Rowan made her choice. When Simon showed, she told him to get away. He kept coming towards her, and Tommy shot him. I don’t think he was threatening at all, just pleading. She thinks he chose to die years ago.

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TV Review: The Returned 1.7 “Rowan”
Olympus Athens   |  @   |  

The Returned 107-05

The Returned
Season 1 Episode 7: “Rowan”
Directed by Stephen Williams
Written by Gianna Sobol
Starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kevin Alejandro, India Ennenga, Sandrine Holt, Mark Pellegrino, Mat Vairo, Tandi Wright, Michelle Forbes, Leah Gibson, Aaron Douglas, Dylan Kingwell, Sophie Lowe, Agnes Bruckner, Jeremy Sisto
Air Date: Monday, April 21st, 2015, 10pm

Here’s a recap of last week’s “Lucy,” before the review of The Returned 1.7 “Rowan.”

What is a fake clairvoyant to do when she is stabbed, chewed on, dead, then returned? Turn into a real clairvoyant of course. Lucy (Leah Gibson) is scared shitless, and a lesson in be-careful-what-you-wish-for. Jack (Mark Pellegrino) is a bit freaked out himself. After passing out in the woods, Lena (Sophie Lowe) is found by Adam (Rhys Ward), who seems to be cured by her kindness. Camille (India Ennenga) tells Ben who she really is and he predictably runs away. Victor (Dylan Kingwell) messes with Peter’s (Jeremy Sisto) mind for revenge. As Peter begs forgiveness, he seems to see the gunman Henry/Victor saw that night put a gun to his head. And then it’s his own hand. Sisto did a great job with that scene. Without words, I knew that was exactly how Henry felt that night. And Peter did too.

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TV Review: The Returned 1.6 “Lucy”
Olympus Athens   |  @   |  

The Returned 106-13

The Returned
Season 1 Episode 6: “Lucy”
Directed by Jennifer Getzinger
Written by Bronwyn Garrity
Starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kevin Alejandro, India Ennenga, Sandrine Holt, Mark Pellegrino, Mat Vairo, Tandi Wright, Michelle Forbes, Leah Gibson, Aaron Douglas, Dylan Kingwell, Sophie Lowe, India Ennenga, Agnes Bruckner, Jeremy Sisto
Air Date: Monday, April 13th, 2015, 10pm

Let’s recap last Monday’s episode, before The Returned 1.6 “Lucy” review.

During The Returned 1.5 “Tony and Adam”, we finally discover the identity of the stabber – Adam (Rhys Ward). Tony (Aaron Douglas) had been covering it up until he finally covered Adam up by burying him alive. But Adam’s back and the stabbing has resumed, however Tony’s different. He was eaten up with guilt at what he did and confesses to Adam. Needless to say that was not taken well.

Camille (India Ennenga) is now hanging out with Lena’s (Sophie Lowe) gang as a “cousin.” Lena runs out of the hospital to confront her in the bar, but ends up looking like a crazy in a hospital gown with a wicked looking open wound on her back. She passes out in the woods and Adam’s face looms over her.

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TV Review: The Returned 1.5 “Tony and Adam”
Olympus Athens   |  @   |  

The Returned 105-01

The Returned
Season 1 Episode 5: “Tony and Adam”
Directed by Jennifer Getzinger
Written by Graham Roland
Starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kevin Alejandro, India Ennenga, Sandrine Holt, Mark Pellegrino, Mat Vairo, Tandi Wright, Michelle Forbes, Aaron Douglas, Dylan Kingwell, Sophie Lowe, India Ennenga, Agnes Bruckner, and Jeremy Sisto.
Air Date: Monday, April 6th, 2015, 10pm

Let’s recap The Returned 1.4 “Victor” before getting to this week’s review. There will be spoilers for both so be warned!

Last week we got a glimpse into how little Victor (Dylan Kingwell) died 29 years ago, a result of a home invasion. One of the intruders tried to hide him and make him feel better, “sing a song inside your head,” to no avail. Julie’s (Sandrine Holt) neighbor ends up brutally dead. What does Victor have to do with it? She finally agrees to turn Victor over to Nikki (Agnes Bruckner), who brought him to Peter’s (Jeremy Sisto) community center. Annie (Michelle Forbes) also finds sanctuary there. Lena (Sophie Lowe) passed out and ended up in the hospital, dying we think, from a growing gash in her back that mirrors Camille’s (India Ennenga) death blow. Jack (Mark Pellegrino) is taken in as a suspect in the stabbing of Lucy (Leah Gibson). Rowan (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) hides Simon (Mat Vairo) in the attic. Unbeknownst to her (but not for long), Tommy (Kevin Alejandro) has cameras all over the house and witnesses her romp with Simon. She doesn’t seem to be horrified that he found out, just that he’s been spying on her.

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