While the classic movie Fight Club from David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton may have received a lackluster video game translation for the PlayStation 2 and original XBox back in 2004, this is the “video game” version you have been waiting for… full-on 16-bit side-scrolling button-mashing action! Check out the video below.
The most excellent minds behind the YouTube series 8-Bit Cinema have retold the basic storyline of Fight Club using mostly 16-bit generation graphics and game elements with huge success here. Veteran gamers will most likely recognize the foundational elements of the fighting “gameplay” being pulled from the Genesis series Streets of Rage and what might be Final Fight or Fatal Fury. Special kudos for incorporating bonus rounds featuring a sliding penguin and having to catch bags of liposuctioned fat.
Be sure to stick around to the end for the video’s credits featuring a MIDI/chiptune version of The Pixies’ classic “Where is My Mind?”, which also closed out the credits of the actual film.
[Source: CineFix]
That was kinda awesome
Comment by The Dude — March 7, 2014 @ 11:51 am