Amazon recently launched Resistance Radio, a digital radio station created as a companion to their award-winning streaming television series The Man in the High Castle, which is based on the book by Philip K. Dick. High Castle‘s story is set in an alternate dystopian world where, after losing World War II, the United States is divided and occupied by two powers — Greater Nazi Reich and the Japanese Pacific States — and its oppressed people live in fear under totalitarian rule. From the country’s lawless neutral zone, a pirate radio station has emerged to keep the memory of the former America alive and to fight back against the current regime.
As io9 discovered, interestingly enough, soon after Resistance Radio was launched, some supporters of U.S. President Trump (the actual current president of the United States of America) took to social media to express their outrage at the new anti-fascism and anti-Nazi propaganda radio station. Not only did they believe that the station was real, but that it was somehow anti-Trump; therefore, they were offended by its existence and what they referred to as its “liberal agenda.”
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