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Hello There! This is Adam Frazier and you are listening to Skull-Face Island, the official movie podcast of Geeks of Doom! As always I’m joined by Ryan Gosling to my Rachel McAdams, David Allen… and The Owner of a Lonely Heart, producer Tim Grant.
Today on the Show: We’ll discuss Jonathan Levine‘s latest film, Warm Bodies, and boot-up the Geek-O-Matic TeleFax for all the latest news on Disney-Pixar’s Finding Nemo 2, as well as Seth MacFarlane‘s new western-comedy, A Million Ways to Die in the West.
To celebrate Valentine’s Day we’ve decided to share Top 3 Romantic Movies. It’s time for us to, you know, open up to you, the listener, and give you a piece of our collective jungle heart and give a glimpse into our souls. We’ll be joined by a special guest for this segment in the form of The Prince of Darkness himself, SATAN. Turns out SATAN really enjoys Sleepless in Seattle…
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