Director: Judd Apatow
Screenwriter: Amy Schumer
Cast: Amy Schumer, Tilda Swinton, Bill Hader, John Cena, Brie Larson, Colin Quinn, LeBron James, Dave Attell, Vanessa Bayer
Universal Pictures
Rated R | 124 Minutes
Release date: July 17, 2015
Does Judd Apatow get paid by the minute? Is there any other logical reason – aside from wanton smugness – that his films are chronically overlong? After seeing his latest comedic effort, Trainwreck, I had to consult IMDb to see if the 124-minute film did, in fact, employ an editor.
Turns out Trainwreck had three editors: William Kerr, Peck Prior, Paul Zucker. I’m not sure what this trio was hired to do, however, as it appears nothing was left on the cutting room floor. Like This is 40 and virtually every other Apatow film, Trainwreck is woefully bloated – even if it is wildly funny.
Amy Schumer (Inside Amy Schumer) stars as a magazine writer who has made promiscuity her credo. Ever since her adulterous father (Colin Quinn) drilled into her head that monogamy isn’t realistic, Amy has enjoyed a life free of commitment and inhibitions.
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