Every year, we scatter looking for the best gifts and the best prices to complete our holiday shopping needs as soon as humanly possible. For some strange reason, many people still actually head out into the chaos that is the holiday shopping season, though it’s obvious that just hanging out at home is so insanely better, even if you have to pay a little more. Many sites online like to do their own holiday gift guides each year to help you find what you may be looking for, and we at Geeks of Doom are no different. Our own Tom Cheredar recently put together a fantastic guide for those of you looking for the best Wii sports accessories, and if you stay tuned, we will have a large gift guide with all of 2009’s best movies, games, and other goodies that translate into the best gifts!
Until that guide is complete, here is yet another to tide you over. This is a guide that really digs to the core for some of the best gifts out there for the true geek in all of us. The gifts in this guide come from perhaps the best website on the planet for strange and wonderful goodies, ThinkGeek. It includes gadgets, toys, apparel, and just pure geeky fun items; with price tags varying from cheap to hefty, but most things are pretty affordable. Most of you have probably heard of the site, and if you’re like me, you want to move in with them and play with everything they have…always…for ever and ever and ever. If you haven’t heard of them, you will definitely enjoy this introduction, but be warned: you WILL want everything.
Click on over to check out the list. We’ve included just a handful of our favorite geek-related gifts. If nothing here suits you, you can head to their site where you can find a whole lot more stuff from movies and also non-movie-related stuff that’s all equally fantastic. We have a few images here, but all gift ideas have plenty of images at their source and sometimes a video to show off what it does.
First up is a collection of great stuff you can use around your house, at the office, or anywhere else you feel is fair and that won’t get you arrested.
Laser ‘Saber
We’ll start nice and simple: your basic, everyday laser pointer used to be all the rage. Now, you keep things fresh, you can grab a new pointer that’s shaped like a lightsaber right out of Star Wars. You just need to provide the sound effects and do NOT bring it to the movies…you will be injured.
Starg Drink Coasters & Mirror

Another fairly basic little item. Either a brand new set of drink coasters or a new mirror, both in the shape of the eerie, glowing blue gate we’ve all seen in one of the many Stargate movies and TV shows that have been created around it. This not only allows to to travel anywhere in the universe right from your home, but it also allows you to summon Kurt Russel whenever you need a little pep talk.
I’d personally have to go for the mirror…it just seems to be a lot cooler an item and I’m completely sure that your wife will love it hanging in your room!
First-Gen Nostalgia Party
A specialty console that combines both the Nintendo and Super Nintendo systems and allows you to play all of the games. For nostalgia purposes, this is one of the coolest things ever to be manufactured and a must-have for you who don’t have these all saved away somewhere already!
Bathroom Crime Scene
Most of us have seen Psycho, and if you haven’t, then you know the legendary shower seen and its effect on horror movies history.
Now, even you can recreate this scene with a special shower curtain and/or shower mat that is covered with the blood of an obvious crime scene. Just be careful — visitors who come over to visit and are not informed will likely call the cops on you, and that would be messy.
It is worth noting that this is not an official Psycho bathroom set; that’s just what it will make everyone immediately think of.
Tauntaun Dreams

We all know this one. A while back, we found out that this April Fool’s Day joke item was actually going to become available per the blessing of a one George Lucas.
If you didn’t see our initial story on it, it’s a sleeping bag that looks exactly like the Tauntaun that Luke Skywalker uses to stay warm in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, right down to the intestinal interior design and a little lightsaber zipper.
Even you can open your bed’s stomach each night before you sleep. And it’s fun for the kids!
U.S.S. Beer Entry
Even geeks like beer (or at least root beer?) and can use a good bottle opener. What better a bottle opener to pick up than one that’s shaped like the famed U.S.S. Enterprise from the Star Trek universe? None better, obviously.
Plus, it’s shiny!
Sports Fan Spock
You know the big “We’re #1!” foam hands you see at sporting events the world over? Now you can have a giant foam hand that throws up Spock’s “Live long, and prosper” sign.
I want to see these things taking over said sporting events from now on. Nothing would be greater than seeing random Spock hands from time-to-time, and I’m not even a Trekkie! Oh, and you’re pretty much guaranteed to get on TV if you rock this thing.
Indiana Jones Desk Artifacts

Another thing that this website has is a ton of great office/work related items that can help make your day go by a lot faster. Not a whole lot of them are movie/geek related, but they do have great ways to lose yourself.
One of these items did fit our little guide here, and though it doesn’t really bring any entertainment to your day, it’s a must-have for you white collar geeks.
Basically, there’s three replicas of artifacts that were acquired during the Indiana Jones adventures. One is the fertility idol Indy obtains at the beginning of the first film, which can be used for storing writing utensils. Next up is a little Ark of the Covenant that stores the glorious ivory white specialty business cards you’ll be showing off to your co-workers later. And lastly, and my personal favorite, a replica of the Holy Grail, which has a magnetic base and can be used to store paperclips.
At $30 a pop, these are a bit much for decor, but given the proper situation, I for one may have trouble resisting. You can even buy Indy’s fedora for $100 if you’re feeling saucy.
Chopstick ‘Sabers
Yet another lightsaber item to play with!
This is a set of chopsticks for you geek sushi addicts that are lightsabers instead of just plain old wood.
Just eat cautiously — I assume a ‘saber would cook your fish.
There’s also a ton of clothing and apparel items that you can pick up to go along with the gadgets and gizmos listed above. Here’s a few great ones.
T-Shirt & Baseball Cap Wi-Fi Detector

I’m not sure how useful this would be because I’m not yet fully submerged in the wireless world, but here is a t-shirt or baseball cap that can actually detect where there’s a prime wi-fi signal for you to use for whatever reason.
Now, finally, we can walk around aimlessly, laptops in hand, watching our own shirts for the slightest of signals to use when we forget to pay our bill. That was a joke, do not go around stealing other people’s wireless. Just walk from from cafe to cafe to Starbucks to Dunkin’ Donuts and find out for yourself who has the goods.
No Fruit Required
Another great nostalgia fest. This shirt combines the talents of Ghostbusters and the fleeing ghosts of Pac-Man.
Those little bastards had it comin’ and we all know it.
Love Thy Geek
A t-shirt for you lovely ladies with geek gentlemen friends that allows you to profess your geek love love and clear at all times.
God bless you for proving that sometimes, yeah, geeks do get the girl and that George McFly was not a one-time only success story.
The Expendable

Anyone who knows anything about the world of Star Trek knows that the dudes in the red shirts are NOT in for a pleasant evening.
Now you can laugh in the face of certain death with your very own Star Trek red shirt. Sadly, the shirt does deem you quite clearly as “Expendable,” and this will not help in your struggle to survive. Let’s just hope that the creatures you encounter can not read, and will see the red as an intimidation and not a dinner bell welcome. Let us hope.
Maybe it’s just easier to go ahead and buy a blue shirt that says “Untouchable.”
You Can’t Take The Sky From Me
Short. Simple. A brown t-shirt for Browncoats, and a necessity in keeping the love of Firefly going strong for all time.
Where this wherever you go — even if it’s dirty — so people ask you to explain and convert them to the brotherhood, effectively changing their lives forever.
Second Rule Of Zombie Killing…
One of the more popular movies recently was Zombieland. Another zombie horror comedy in the same vein as Shaun of the Dead in which some lucky survivors struggle to stay alive.
The second rule of Zombieland was to always double-tap, meaning shoot twice and shoot them in the head! This is a t-shirt to constantly remind you of this rule, just in case the zombie apocalypse happens soon.
Don’t forget the cardio.
I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

Finally, our last little gift suggestion from my current and lasting obsession with this website.
This is an almost all-black t-shirt that has one of those convention/meeting/orientation/speed dating sticker-badges that says “Hello, My Name Is,” and that has been used in many jokes over the years.
One joke that should have always been the most obvious, and that has now been turned into the greatest shirt ever made, is this one that fills in the blank part with “Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die,” which of course creates the perfect play on a famous line from The Princess Bride.
Nothing is greater than this. It is one of my number one items to own. It should be a gift you give to all you know!
Well, that’s it for our little rundown of great specialty gift ideas that you can find at this phenomenal website. If you know of any other sites like this one with lots of similar stuff, please share it in the comments, as I’m only aware of this one and we can always use more places to search for geek treasures!
Once again, this is just our guide for some fun and entertaining geek specialty items. Make sure you stay glued to Geeks of Doom later this upcoming week as we unveil our guide for all of your basic Christmas gift needs like DVDs, video games, music, comic books and more.
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