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The GoD List: Comics For January 18, 2012
Hunter Camp   |  

GoD List BannerEach and every week “IWC Smark” MK2Fac3 and “I don’t get the reference” Henchman21 read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. They look forward to some more than others, I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of their pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of January 18, 2012. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.

MK2Fac3 is back on dry land, ladies and gentleman! After a brief lapse in judgment in which he lost his marbles and recommended nothing but Marvel books of the X-Men variety, he’s finally come to his senses and decided that you should instead be reading more Batman-themed books, because why wouldn’t he? Of course, the answer that question is that he wouldn’t because Batman is awesome no matter what the situation. Sure, you could tell him that Wolverine is awesome or something, but why would he listen? There’s only one “Best in the world at what he does…” and that’s Chris Jericho. But instead of talking about comics or wrestling, I’m going to take the time to address SOPA and PIPA.

I (MK2Fac3) am a big supporter of creator’s rights and copyright legislation, and take a firm stance against piracy whether it be online or while I’m on a boat in the Caribbean. You see, piracy is theft. It’s plain and simple. Several industries are severely hurting as a result of Internet piracy including the movie industry, music industry, and the comic book industry. Sure, these entities and corporations may seem faceless and when you’re committing these crimes you think that you’re just taking money out of the corporate fat cats wallets, but you’re not. I lost my job last year thanks to Internet piracy and the failing music business, so as someone that is personally affected by copyright infringement, I support legislation against piracy. Also, when involving an industry that you genuinely love (you’re reading an entertainment site for Pete’s sake) you should know that piracy will have a large effect on you as a fan, as well.

That said, SOPA and PIPA are absolutely the wrong way to go about this legislation, but can you really argue that something doesn’t need to happen to combat piracy? The point is, some sort of legislation does need to be enacted and should have happened long ago, but this isn’t the way to go about it. Anyway, thanks for reading my rant… on to comics!



Batman Odyssey #4 by Neal AdamsBatman: Odyssey #4 (of 7) (DC Comics – $3.99): I know I keep talking about this comic, and I know that most of you are probably sick of me talking about this comic, but I just can’t help myself, you guys. It’s completely and totally bonkers in the best way imaginable. The first volume of the series may have been a little bit on the “Oh God, why the Hell am I reading this!?” side, but sometimes you have to cut through the rind to get to the fruit, you know? (I phrase it that way to appease my Vegan overlords). And seriously, since this second half kicked off a few months ago, I haven’t been disappointed in a single issue. Of course, I’m expected to read a comic that does not fit in with any interpretation of The Dark Knight that I’ve read previously, and I’m throwing out all expectations of reading anything remotely possible in the history of human existence, and I’m also reading the comic under the assumption that Neal Adams, the writer and artist of the series, is playing the part of Batman, but I’m okay with all of that. In fact, it makes it far more enjoyable, and in this time in my life, I want to read fun, enjoyable comics and Neal Adams’ Batman: Odyssey is by in large a fun and enjoyable comic. You should forgot your troubles and enjoy the madness.

Birds of Prey #5 (DC Comics – $2.99): Have I talked about how much I love this comic? Because I totally do. I wasn’t sure that I would ever be okay with a Birds of Prey ongoing that did not feature that lovely and talented Gail Simone as head writer, but under the guidance of Duane Swierczynski as writer and Jesus Saiz as artist, I couldn’t have been more wrong. This incarnation of The Birds features a cast of characters, that I also wouldn’t expect to love but totally do, in the roles of detectives/spy agents/ass kickers in a thrilling mysterious atmosphere. It’s easily one of my favorite comics of the relaunch up there with Swamp Thing, Action Comics, Animal Man and Batman and if you haven’t been reading this comic, you’re seriously missing out. Do I miss the core line up of Huntress, Black Canary, Lady Blackhawk and Oracle? Yes, but I’m absolutely in love with this set of female bad asses and the story and art that accompany them.

Morning Glories #15 (Image Comics – $2.99): It’s finally back! I’ve said so much about this series, and it’s been far too long that we’ve had an issue come out. Especially considering that the story was just about to pick up, so for all it’s delay, I’m insanely excited about this issue. Make sure to check it out.


Henchman says there aren’t any great collections out this week, but I must disagree. There’s a lot to choose from spanning across all publishers and creative teams. First, I must note that Secret Six‘s final trade paperback is set to release this week and it features what is probably the best set of issues that the series has had. In this story, the team goes to Hell, crosses over with The Doom Patrol and even try to kill Batman one final time! See? Awesome. Also, the Hack/Slash/Eva trade paperback is coming out this week, as well! So, if you’re a fan of Hack/Slash or awesome comics in general, why not give that Dynamite Entertainment collection a try? I’m sure it’s not too expensive, so you wouldn’t be going to far out of your way to broaden your horizons. But if neither of those tickle your fancy (they should) you could always go back to something that you’ve never read before. As a matter of fact, at my comic book store today I talked to a fellow customer that had not read Grant Morrison’s Animal Man or Seven Soldiers of Victory before, so if you haven’t read them either, I’d suggest that you get on those comics so that you might enhance your appreciation for the current run of Animal Man and Demon Knights, which are both fine comics that pay tribute to the past. Also, you’ll enhance your enlightenment and creativity, as well. Man, comics can do a lot, can’t they? I love comics!



Wasteland #33Wasteland #33 (Oni Press – $1.00): I read Wasteland for a while when the series first started, but I have fallen off recently. However, if a comic wants to get me back there’s always a good way to do it; a $1 issue. I’ll buy pretty much any comic if you only charge me a dollar. From what I remember, Wasteland is a story of a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic setting. The main characters are Michael and Abi, a pair who share a mysterious past and who are searching for answers. Writer Antony Johnston has crafted a world that feels real and lived in, and I hope I am able to pick up where I left off without becoming too confused. This issue is the start of a new arc, and hopefully is a good introduction to the world. Dollar issues are great, but only if they do a good job of hooking the reader and making them interested enough to come back for more. I can’t see this not being worth the money though, so check this out and see if this tickles your fancy.

Uncanny X-Force #20 (Marvel Comics – $3.99): How many times do I have to tell you to read Uncanny X-Force? I feel like I’ve written this very question before. Am I repeating myself here? Very possibly. This does not change the fact that if you are not reading Uncanny X-Force, you are missing out on one of the best series being published today. Uncanny X-Force #20 starts a new story-arc titled “The Trial of Fantomex”, and sees writer Rick Remender joined another of his previous art collaborators, Greg Tocchini (from Last Days of American Crime, which is well worth tracking down). After the events of the last full issue, I’m more excited than ever to see where Remender takes these characters. He has taken the idea of an X-Men hit squad and turned it from what could be a tired cliché and turned it into a fascinating character drama. There are so many good things I could say about this series, but I’ll just tell you again that this is can’t miss reading.

Lord of the Jungle #1 (Dynamite Entertainment – $1.00): You remember what I said about $1 issues? Because here we go with another one, this time a new take on Tarzan. You can read a full review of the issue here, and if that doesn’t make you want to buy this issue, than nothing I say will. Dynamite is on a bit of a hot streak with their new takes on classic characters (see also; Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist, The Phantom, The Green Hornet) and it looks like they are going to keep that streak alive with this one. Plus, one dollar which still can’t be beat.


I have no trades to recommend this week. I mean, I guess you could buy Marvel Point One Volume 2, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You know what, this week, buy an older collection this week. I’m reading The Annotated Sandman this week, and so far, it is awesome. There is so much great background info on the series. It’s like reading the series for the first time all over again. Or you can pick up the hardcover for X-Men: Schism, and then jump into any of the X-Men series that pick up after it. Or check out Criminal: Last of the Innocent, one of the best series from last year. Any of these are well worth your time and money.

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