| Final Trailer For Martin Scorsese’s ‘The Irishman’ Released![The Irishman The Irishman Movie Martin Scorsese](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2019/09/the-irishman-netflix-530x298.jpg?resize=530%2C298&ssl=1)
Netflix has released a final trailer for The Irishman, director Martin Scorsese‘s latest feature. The movie, which stars Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci, unfolds over the course of multiple decades and chronicles the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa (Pacino). You can find the final trailer for The Irishman along with more info and a clip below.
...continue reading » Tags: Al Pacino, Aleksa Palladino, Anna Paquin, Bobby Cannavale, Charles Brandt, Dascha Polanco, Domenick Lombardozzi, Harvey Keitel, Jack Huston, Jesse Plemons, Joe Pesci, Kathrine Narducci, Martin Scorsese, Netflix, Ray Romano, Robert De Niro, Stephen Graham, Steven Van Zandt, Steven Zaillian, The Irishman | |
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| Official Trailer Released For ‘Antlers’ From ‘Hostiles’ Director Scott Cooper, Producer Guillermo del Toro![Antlers Antlers Movie]()
Back in August we saw a teaser trailer for Antlers, a new horror from director Scott Cooper (Hostiles, Black Mass) and producer Guillermo del Toro (The Shape of Water, Pan’s Labyrinth). Now Fox Searchlight has released an official trailer for the movie, which stars Keri Russell (Felicity, Waitress), Jesse Plemons (Fargo, The Irishman), Jeremy T. Thomas (Lore, The Righteous Gemstones), Graham Greene (The Green Mile, Wind River), Scott Haze (Venom, Midnight Special), Rory Cochrane (Dazed and Confused, Argo), and Amy Madigan (Field of Dreams, Uncle Buck). You can find a brief synopsis for Antlers and watch the new trailer below.
...continue reading » Tags: Amy Madigan, Antlers, David Goyer, Fox Searchlight, Graham Greene, Guillermo del Toro, Henry Chaisson, J. Miles Dale, Jeremy T. Thomas, Jesse Plemons, JT Corbitt, Keri Russell, Nick Antosca, Rory Cochrane, Scott Cooper, Scott Haze | |
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| First Trailer For Disney’s ‘Jungle Cruise’ Starring Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt Is Here![Jungle Cruise Jungle Cruise Movie]()
Walt Disney Studios has released the first trailer for Jungle Cruise, the upcoming featuring starring Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt which is inspired by the Disney river boat theme park attraction of the same name. The movie is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, with Edgar Ramirez, Jack Whitehall, Jesse Plemons, and Paul Giamatti joining Blunt and Johnson on the cast. Continue below for a more on Jungle Cruise, and to check out the trailer and a poster.
...continue reading » Tags: Beau Flynn, Dany Garcia, Disney, Doug Merrifield, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Dwayne Johnson, Edgar Ramirez, Emily Blunt, Hiram Garcia, Jack Whitehall, Jaume Collet Serra, Jesse Plemons, John Davis, John Fox, Jungle Cruise, Paul Giamatti, The Rock, Walt Disney, Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Studios | |
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| D23 Expo 2019: ‘Jungle Cruise’ Footage Shows Dwayne Johnson & Emily Blunt Have Different Perspectives On Their Adventure![Jungle Cruise Starring Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson Jungle Cruise Starring Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson]()
Based on the popular Disneyland ride that could be found in all Disney theme parks across the globe, the Jungle Cruise will be in theaters in 2020. Though production for the film wrapped last year, director Jaume Collet-Serra has been putting the finishing touches on the film to help it get ready for its summer release. And since this was our very first look at the film, it had to be introduced in a very special way at this weekend’s D23 Expo. Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt were both on hand at the convention to talk about the upcoming film, which takes some inspiration from The African Queen starring Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn. See more below for our on-site coverage from D23.
...continue reading » Tags: D23, D23 Expo, D23 Expo 2019, Disney, Dwayne Johnson, Edgar Ramirez, Emily Blunt, Jack Whitehall, Jaume Collet Serra, Jesse Plemons, Jungle Cruise, Paul Giamatti, Walt Disney Studios | |
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| Trailer Released For Upcoming Horror ‘Antlers’ From ‘Hostiles’ Director Scott Cooper, Producer Guillermo del Toro![Antlers Antlers Movie]()
Fox Searchlight has released a teaser trailer for Antlers, a new horror directed by Scott Cooper (Hostiles, Black Mass, Out of the Furnace, Crazy Heart) and produced by Guillermo del Toro (The Shape of Water, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Devil’s Backbone, Crimson Peak). The movie stars Keri Russell, Jesse Plemons, Jeremy T. Thomas, JT Corbitt, Graham Greene, Scott Haze, Rory Cochrane, and Amy Madigan, and is based on Nick Antosca‘s short story “The Quiet Boy.” You can find a brief synopsis for Antlers and check out the teaser trailer as well as a poster below.
...continue reading » Tags: Amy Madigan, Antlers, David Goyer, Graham Greene, Guillermo del Toro, Henry Chaisson, J. Miles Dale, Jeremy T. Thomas, Jesse Plemons, JT Corbitt, Keri Russell, Nick Antosca, Rory Cochrane, Scott Cooper, Scott Haze | |
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