| First Trailer For Disney’s ‘Jungle Cruise’ Starring Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt Is Here![Jungle Cruise Jungle Cruise Movie](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2019/10/jungle-cruise-disney-530x298.jpg?resize=530%2C298&ssl=1)
Walt Disney Studios has released the first trailer for Jungle Cruise, the upcoming featuring starring Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt which is inspired by the Disney river boat theme park attraction of the same name. The movie is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, with Edgar Ramirez, Jack Whitehall, Jesse Plemons, and Paul Giamatti joining Blunt and Johnson on the cast. Continue below for a more on Jungle Cruise, and to check out the trailer and a poster.
...continue reading » Tags: Beau Flynn, Dany Garcia, Disney, Doug Merrifield, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Dwayne Johnson, Edgar Ramirez, Emily Blunt, Hiram Garcia, Jack Whitehall, Jaume Collet Serra, Jesse Plemons, John Davis, John Fox, Jungle Cruise, Paul Giamatti, The Rock, Walt Disney, Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Studios | |
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| Official Trailer Released For ‘Dolemite Is My Name’ Starring Eddie Murphy![Dolemite Is My Name Dolemite Is My Name Movie]()
An official trailer has been released for Dolemite Is My Name, an upcoming biographical dramedy starring Eddie Murphy as 1970s blaxploitation legend Rudy Ray Moore. The movie is the latest from Hustle & Flow and Black Snake Moan director Craig Brewer, and Murphy is joined by an excellent supporting cast including Keegan-Michael Key, Mike Epps, Craig Robinson, Tituss Burgess, Da’Vine Joy Randolph, and Wesley Snipes. Continue below for more info on Dolemite Is My Name and to check out the new trailer.
...continue reading » Tags: Barry Shabaka Henley, Craig Brewer, Craig Robinson, Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Dolemite Is My Name, Eddie Murphy, John Davis, John Fox, Keegan Michael Key, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Larry Karaszewski, Luenell, Mike Epps, Netflix, Ron Cephas Jones, Rudy Ray Moore, Ruth E. Carter, Scott Alexander, Snoop Dogg, Tasha Smith, Tip 'TI' Harris, Tituss Burgess, Wesley Snipes | |
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| Restricted Trailer Released For New ‘Shaft’ Movie Starring Samuel L. Jackson![Shaft Shaft]()
Back in February we saw an official trailer for Shaft starring Samuel L. Jackson as the title character. Now Warner Bros. has released a restricted trailer for the movie, which is the fifth in the franchise which began in 1971 and the second starring Jackson as Shaft. You can find a lengthy synopsis for the movie and check out the NSFW restricted trailer below.
...continue reading » Tags: Alex Barnow, Alexandra Shipp, Christopher Lennertz, Cliff Smith, Dave Jorden, Ira Napoliello, Jessie T. Usher, John Davis, Josh Mack, Kenya Barris, Larry Blanford, Marc S. Fischer, Matt Lauria, Method Man, Olivia Miles, Peter S. Elliot, Regina Hall, Richard Brener, Richard Roundtree, Samuel L. Jackson, SHAFT, Tim Story, Titus Welliver, Wynn Thomas | |
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| Watch: Official Trailer For New ‘Shaft’ Starring Samuel L. Jackson![Shaft Shaft]()
Warner Bros. Pictures has released an official trailer for Shaft, the latest entry in the franchise which once again sees Samuel L. Jackson playing the title character. In the movie, Shaft’s son is trying to figure out the truth behind his best friend’s death and looks to his father for help. You can find a full synopsis and check out the trailer below.
...continue reading » Tags: Alex Barnow, Alexandra Shipp, Christopher Lennertz, Cliff Smith, Dave Jorden, Ira Napoliello, Jessie T. Usher, John Davis, Josh Mack, Kenya Barris, Larry Blanford, Marc S. Fischer, Matt Lauria, Method Man, Olivia Miles, Peter S. Elliot, Regina Hall, Richard Brener, Richard Roundtree, Samuel L. Jackson, SHAFT, Tim Story, Titus Welliver, Wynn Thomas | |
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