| First Trailer For Disney’s ‘Jungle Cruise’ Starring Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt Is Here![Jungle Cruise Jungle Cruise Movie](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2019/10/jungle-cruise-disney-530x298.jpg?resize=530%2C298&ssl=1)
Walt Disney Studios has released the first trailer for Jungle Cruise, the upcoming featuring starring Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt which is inspired by the Disney river boat theme park attraction of the same name. The movie is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, with Edgar Ramirez, Jack Whitehall, Jesse Plemons, and Paul Giamatti joining Blunt and Johnson on the cast. Continue below for a more on Jungle Cruise, and to check out the trailer and a poster.
...continue reading » Tags: Beau Flynn, Dany Garcia, Disney, Doug Merrifield, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Dwayne Johnson, Edgar Ramirez, Emily Blunt, Hiram Garcia, Jack Whitehall, Jaume Collet Serra, Jesse Plemons, John Davis, John Fox, Jungle Cruise, Paul Giamatti, The Rock, Walt Disney, Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Studios | |
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| Netflix Acquires ‘Red Notice’ Starring Dwayne Johnson, Gal Gadot, and Ryan Reynolds![Red Notice Red Notice]()
Netflix has announced that they have acquired a movie titled Red Notice, which comes from Dwayne Johnson and Rawson Marshall Thurber. The pair has worked together twice in recent years on Central Intelligence and Skyscraper. Johnson stars and produces the feature, while Thurber writes, directs, and produces. Also set to star is Gal Gadot and Ryan Reynolds. The movie is described as a “globetrotting action-thriller” in which Johnson plays an agent who has been tasked with pursuing the world’s most wanted art thief.
...continue reading » Tags: Beau Flynn, Dany Garcia, Dwayne Johnson, FlynnPictureCo, Gal Gadot, Hiram Garcia, Netflix, Rawson Marshall Thurber, Red Notice, Ryan Reynolds, Scott Sheldon, Scott Stuber, Seven Bucks Productions | |
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| New Trailer/TV Spot For DC’s ‘Shazam!’ Released![Shazam! Header Image Shazam! Header Image]()
Warner Bros. Pictures released a short new trailer for the latest DC Films title Shazam! last night. Or maybe it’s a long TV spot. They don’t really specify what exactly it is. The new preview is longer than the usual 15 to 30-second TV spot at just under a minute in length, but shorter than most trailers. But this is Shazam! we’re talking about. The teaser trailer we saw back in July was longer than most official trailers at nearly three minutes. So this one is doing its own thing at this point, and we’re just along for the ride. You can find the video below along with a synopsis.
...continue reading » Tags: Asher Angel, Bill Parker, C.C. Beck, Christopher Godsick, Cooper Andrews, Dany Garcia, Darren Lemke, Dave Neustadter, David F. Sandberg, DC Films, Djimon Hounsou, Dwayne Johnson, Faithe Herman, Geoff Johns, Grace Fulton, Henry Gayden, Hiram Garcia, Ian Chen, Jack Dylan Grazer, Jeffrey Chernov, Jovan Armand, Mark Strong, Marta Milans, Peter Safran, Richard Brener, Shazam, Walter Hamada, Warner Brothers, Zachary Levi | |
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| Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Commandeers Disney’s ‘Jungle Cruise’ (Image)![Jungle Cruise Header Jungle Cruise Header]()
Following the news that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson would start shooting Disney’s Jungle Cruise next year, comes a photo showing just how committed he is to the project. The actor snapped a shot of himself on board a Jungle Cruise full of Disney World park guests. But he wasn’t there just to mingle. In fact, he commandeered the vessel and was the skipper for the duration of the ride. More on the story below.
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