| Streaming Review: Shuffle |
By cGt2099
| January 25th, 2013 at 7:27 pm |

Netflix | DVD
Written and Directed by Kurt Kuenne
Starring T.J. Thyne, Paula Rhodes, Chris Stone, Dylan Sprayberry, Elle Labadie
Screen Media Films
Originally Released: October 21, 2011
Pay attention! Ordinarily, while working on a Streaming Review for Geeks of Doom, I habitually have some form of thought receptacle open and ready for any thoughts or ideas or observations that come to mind. Not so for this week’s review: because Shuffle is a movie that commands your attention from its very commencement. Brimming full of clues, intense scenes, and pivotal lines of dialogue, the movie immediately magnetizes your eyeballs to the screen and demands continuous focus. This week, this wonderfully produced independent movie tore me away from my obsessive geek habit of prematurely and obsessively overanalyzing and dissecting a film as I view it. Nevertheless, as mentioned, the movie itself commands your attention from a repeated line of dialogue: Pay attention, dummy!
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| Famous Monster’s Favorite Film Quotes of 2012 |

2012 was a fantastic year for movies. Films like The Dark Knight Rises and Marvel’s The Avengers entertained audiences with blockbuster action sequences and the ultimate in childhood wish fulfillment, while movies such as Drew Goddard‘s Cabin in the Woods and Gareth Edward‘s The Raid: Redemption will long be remembered as putting the nail in the coffin of their respective genres. We saw new films from acclaimed directors like Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, Ridley Scott, Christopher Nolan, Ang Lee, David O. Russell, Paul Thomas Anderson, William Friedkin, Steven Soderbergh, Ben Affleck, Sam Mendes, and Kathryn Bigelow. Not to mention the latest offerings from Rian Johnson, Joss Whedon, Richard Linklater, and newcomers Colin Trevorrow, Benh Zeitlin, and Stephen Chbosky. So many memorable characters – so many great lines delivered by talented actors inhabiting their roles. Here are some of the best (and a few of the worst) film quotes from 2012. Feel free to include your own in the comments! You can also check out my Top 25 Films of 2012 here!
...continue reading » Tags: 21 Jump Street, Alan Arkin, Argo, Bane, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Bernie, Blake Lively, Bobby Monday, Bradley Whitford, Bruce Banner, Bruce Willis, Channing Tatum, Daniel Craig, Django Freeman, Django Unchained, Dredd, Hushpuppy, James Bond, Jamie Foxx, Jenko, Jennifer Lawrence, Jessica Chastain, Joe Cooper, Judge Dredd, Karl Urban, Kenny Brevard, Killer Joe, Lancaster Dodd, Lester Siegel, Life of Pi, Logan Lerman, Looper, Magic Mike, Mark Duplass, Mark Ruffalo, Matthew McConaughey, Michael Fassbender, Michael Shannon, Movies Quotes, Old Joe, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Pi Patel, Premium Rush, Prometheus, Quvenzhané Wallis, Safety Not Guaranteed, Savages, Seth MacFarlane, Silver Linings Playbook, Skyfall, Suraj Sharma, The Avengers, The Cabin in the Woods, The Dark Knight Rises, The Master, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Tom Hardy, Zero Dark Thirty | |
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| Seandps’s Top 10 Movies Of 2012 |
By Seandps
| January 3rd, 2013 at 7:00 pm |

It’s that time of the year, where all of us movie geeks, go through our lists and lists of movies to make that final decision as to what our favorite movies are. I know I am fairly new to the Geeks of Doom family, and some of you may not know too much about me. To give you a little look into my thinking, I am going to include what made my top three movies for the past few years. With all of that said, be sure to continue reading to check out my top 10 films of 2012 now!
...continue reading » Tags: Best of 2012, Bully, Compliance, Friends with Kids, Jeff Who Lives At Home, Looper, Moonrise Kingdom, Ruby Sparks, Safety Not Guaranteed, Sound Of My Voice, The Raid: Redemption | |
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| The 10 Best Films Of 2012 So Far… |

Hello Geeks, FamousMonster here. So, how many movies have you seen this year? I’ve spent the past couple of hours cataloging every film I’ve seen released in 2012, and the magic number is 60. That’s 60 movies in seven months, which means out of the 228 days of the year so far – I’ve spent five entire days watching new movies. With four and a half months left in 2012, I think it might be a good time to figure out what my favorite movies of the year are so far. Soon we’ll be transitioning from summer’s popcorn blockbusters to fall’s dramatic, heavy-hitting films vying for Oscars and Golden Globes. There’s been a lot of fantastic films this year, some of which were huge successes with wide releases and record-breaking box office returns, while others were limited-release independent films that deserve your attention. It’s my hope that this list of ten films balances obvious, geek-approved genre flicks with new, interesting titles that you’ll seek out and enjoy. Of course, there are still plenty of highly-anticipated films on the way – The Master, Lincoln, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, and Django Unchained – but until then, this list should keep you busy. OK, enough talking, let’s get on with the show. Without further adieu, here’s my list of the 10 best films of 2012 so far…
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| Skull-Face Island: Episode 02: Safety Not Guaranteed |

Skull-Face Island Movie Podcast presented by Geeks Of Doom
Episode 02: Safety Not Guaranteed Hello! It’s Adam Frazier aka FamousMonster and welcome to Skull-Face Island! It’s been a busy week here on the island. Tim Grant, David Allen, and myself are currently representing the United States in the 20th Annual Skull-Face Island Olympic Games. Forget that ‘every four years‘ noise, we compete every summer – yeah, put that on your Subway sandwich, Michael Phelps. Of course, we only have about five events and our only competition is a bunch of blood-thirsty (but fun-loving) natives and an all-Dinosaur Dream Team – but still, it’s serious business. If you missed our first transmission, let me explain how this works. In the year 1991, US Flight 1313 experienced a mysterious, magnetic anomaly somewhere over the South Pacific. Engines failed, pilots cursed and prayed to their Gods, and three boys (that’s us!) washed ashore on Skull-Face Island, which of course is an ISLAND in the SHAPE of a SKULL! How cool is that!?
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