2012 was a fantastic year for movies. Films like The Dark Knight Rises and Marvel’s The Avengers entertained audiences with blockbuster action sequences and the ultimate in childhood wish fulfillment, while movies such as Drew Goddard‘s Cabin in the Woods and Gareth Edward‘s The Raid: Redemption will long be remembered as putting the nail in the coffin of their respective genres.
We saw new films from acclaimed directors like Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, Ridley Scott, Christopher Nolan, Ang Lee, David O. Russell, Paul Thomas Anderson, William Friedkin, Steven Soderbergh, Ben Affleck, Sam Mendes, and Kathryn Bigelow. Not to mention the latest offerings from Rian Johnson, Joss Whedon, Richard Linklater, and newcomers Colin Trevorrow, Benh Zeitlin, and Stephen Chbosky.
So many memorable characters – so many great lines delivered by talented actors inhabiting their roles. Here are some of the best (and a few of the worst) film quotes from 2012. Feel free to include your own in the comments! You can also check out my Top 25 Films of 2012 here!

“I’m never gonna see a Merman.”
“” Bradley Whitford as Hadley in The Cabin in the Woods.

“Django. D-J-A-N-G-O. The “˜D’ is silent.”
“” Jamie Foxx as Django Freeman in Django Unchained.

“I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.”
– Irrfan Khan as Pi Patel in Life of Pi.

“That’s my secret, Cap: I’m always angry.”
“” Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner in The Avengers.

“Big things have small beginnings.”
“” Michael Fassbender as David in Prometheus.

“What makes you think this is my first time?”
“” Daniel Craig as James Bond in Skyfall.

“Right now we are alive and in this moment, I swear we are infinite.”
“” Logan Lerman as Charlie in The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

“Y’know, somewhere out there are four terrible fathers I wish I could thank for this great night!”
– Seth MacFarlane as Ted from Ted.

“In a million years, when kids go to school, they gonna know: Once there was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub.”
“” Quvenzhané Wallis as Hushpuppy in Beasts of the Southern Wild.

“Argo fuck yourself.”
“” Alan Arkin as Lester Siegel in Argo.

“I had orgasms. He had ‘wargasms.'”
“” Blake Lively as O in Savages.

“I am a writer, a doctor, a nuclear physicist, and a theoretical philosopher. But above all, I am a man, a hopelessly inquisitive man, just like you.”
“” Philip Seymour Hoffman as Lancaster Dodd in The Master.

“I’m the guy you don’t fuck with.”
– Michael Shannon as Bobby Monday in Premium Rush.

“One particle of unobtainium has a nuclear reaction with the flux capacitor “” carry the ‘2’ “” changing its atomic isotoner into a radioactive spider. FUCK YOU, SCIENCE!”
“” Channing Tatum as Jenko in 21 Jump Street.

“Fact is, the law says you cannot touch, but I think I see a lot of lawbreakers up in this house tonight.”
“” Matthew McConaughey as Dallas in Magic Mike.

“I don’t want to talk about time travel, because if we start talking about it then we’re going to be here all day talking about it, making diagrams with straws.”
“” Bruce Willis as Old Joe in Looper.

“You know, for a while, I thought you were the best thing that ever happened to me. But now I’m starting to think you’re the worst.”
“” Jennifer Lawrence as Tiffany in Silver Linings Playbook.

“I am the law.”
“” Karl Urban as Judge Dredd in Dredd.

“She’d rip you a brand new, three-bedroom, two-bathroom, double-wide asshole no problem.”
“” Kenny Brevard as Townsperson in Bernie.

“You insult me again, and I’ll cut your face off and wear it over my own.”
“” Matthew McConaughey as Joe Cooper in Killer Joe.

“I’m the motherfucker who found this place.”
“” Jessica Chastain as Maya in Zero Dark Thirty.

“Oh, you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!”
“” Tom Hardy as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises.

“To go it alone or to go with a partner. When you choose a partner you have to have compromises and sacrifices, but it’s a price you pay.
Do I want to follow my every whim and desire as I make my way through time and space, absolutely.
But at the end of the day, do I need someone when I’m doubting myself and I’m insecure and my heart’s failing me? Do I need someone who, when the heat gets hot, has my back? I do.”
“” Mark Duplass as Kenneth in Safety Not Guaranteed.
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