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The Gunslinger and The Man In Black Cast For ‘Dark Tower’ TV Series
The Movie God   |  @   |  

The Dark Tower Image

Once upon a time, there were big, big plans for an adaptation of Stephen King‘s book series The Dark Tower. A trilogy of movies, joined by two seasons of an accompanying television series. But sometimes things don’t quite work out how they were planned.

We did eventually get a movie, but it fared poorly at the box office and even worse with critics. But the good news for fans of the books is that there is still a TV series in the works. The two just aren’t tied together anymore. The series is set up at Amazon, and now it appears that they have found their Gunslinger and Man in Black.

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Holiday Geek Gift Guide 2017: Blu-ray and DVD Edition

Holiday Blu-ray Gift Guide 2017

Ladies and gentlemen, that sainted time of year is once again upon us. Stuffed to the eyeballs with carbohydrate-loaded food, we suck in our guts, put on our finest ensemble of pajama pants and Crocs, and venture out to the nearest mall/shopping center/big box retailer/gas station/roadside flea market to secure gifts for the ones we love. Meanwhile, the ones we tolerate will simply have to suffice with “A Tree Has Been Planted In Your Name” certificates and that fruitcake your grandfather accidentally sat on during Sunday dinner.

As we do every time around this time, Geeks Of Doom has provided for you a comprehensive guide to the finest films and TV series released to DVD and Blu-ray in 2017 (if you’re holding out for laserdisc or Betamax editions of these titles, I both pity and respect you) for you and yours to enjoy for generations to come.

Check out this year’s Holiday Geek Gift Guide: Blu-ray & DVD Edition

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Movie Review: The Dark Tower, 4DX Experience
Dr. Zaius   |  @   |  

The Dark Tower Idris Elba as Roland Deschain

The Dark Tower
The 4DX Experience
Directed by Nikolaj Arcel
Screenplay by Akiva Goldsman & Jeff Pinkner, Anders Thomas Jensen & Nikolaj Arcel
Based on the novels by Stephen King
Starring Idris Elba, Matthew McConaughey, Tom Taylor, Claudia Kim, Fran Kranz, Abbey Lee, Jackie Earle Haley
Sony/Columbia Pictures
Release date: August 4, 2017

My wife and I got a chance to take in Regal’s newest way to watch”¦ check that, experience a film, 4DX. 4DX takes the normal theater experience and combines it with a day at the amusement park, making movie-watching a full-body occasion. The film we watched, The Dark Tower, is based on the Stephen King book series and lent itself quite nicely to the tricks 4DX had up its sleeves.

The 4DX Experience

The first thing I noticed was how big the seats are, which are individually numbered and complete with their own footrests and massive armrests. I would not want to use the cupholders, however. 4DX is not for the weak, and they actually have warning signs outside the theater akin to what you’d see in front a rollercoaster. My wife laughed when she saw each armrest had a “water on/water off” option. We figured what the hell, and left it on. Before the trailers started, the audience gets a preview of the effects 4DX offers, including seats that rock side by side, lean forward and back, jolt you from behind, and yes, splash you with spritzes of water as well as gusts of air. Imagine sitting for 90+ minutes watching a movie on a theme park ride on a day with mixed weather. We even had a fog cloud in our theater! During that preview as our chairs started hurling us around, their was audible laughter and excitement from the crowd.

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New Trailer For ‘The Dark Tower’ Released
The Movie God   |  @   |  

The Dark Tower Trailer - Man in Black

A new international trailer has been released for The Dark Tower.

The movie, which is an adaptation of the Stephen King book series of the same name, stars Idris Elba (Pacific Rim, Thor) as the gunslinger Roland Deschain and Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club, Interstellar) as the Man in Black. They’re joined on the cast by Tom Taylor (Doctor Foster), Katheryn Winnick (Vikings), Claudia Kim (Avengers: Age of Ultron), Fran Kranz (The Cabin in the Woods), Abbey Lee (Mad Max: Fury Road), and Jackie Earle Haley (Watchmen).

Continue below to watch the new trailer for The Dark Tower.

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‘The Dark Tower’: New TV Spots For Stephen King Adaptation Released
The Movie God   |  @   |  

The Dark Tower

Sony Pictures Entertainment has released a trio of TV spots for The Dark Tower, their upcoming adaptation of the Stephen King book series of the same name. The movie stars Idris Elba as the gunslinger Roland Deschain, Matthew McConaughey as the Man in Black, Tom Taylor, Claudia Kim, Fran Kranz, Abbey Lee, and Jackie Earle Haley.

You can read more about the movie, which is set to be released in theaters later this summer, and check out the three TV spots, titled “Man in Black,” “Knight,” and “Earth,” in the videos below.

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