| Comic Spotlight: 30 Days Of Night 15th Anniversary Edition TPB
30 Days of Night 15th Anniversary Edition
Written by Steve Niles
Art by Ben Templesmith
Letters by Robbie Robbins
Cover Art by Ben Templesmith
Trade Paperback
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Release Date: March 8, 2017 Fifteen years ago, a new comic book miniseries from IDW Publishing hit the shelves taking us to Barrow, Alaska, North America’s northernmost community, where the temperatures range from “cold as shit to fucking freezing,” and each year, the Sun does not rise for 30 straight days. The series begins on the last day of sunshine before the month of darkness begins, but this time around, vampires have arrived for unhampered access to sustenance of the human variety. That 3-issue miniseries was 30 Days of Night and it put horror writer Steve Niles and artist Ben Templesmith on the map.
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| Comic Review: Criminal Macabre: Final Night #1 |
Criminal Macabre: Final Night #1
The 30 Days of Night Crossover
Written by Steve Niles
Art by Christopher Mitten
Cover by Justin Erickson
Dark Horse Comics
Release date: December 12, 2012
Cover price: $3.99
To say that Steve Niles has created the best of both worlds when it comes to horror and crime-pulp-noir with his two most well known properties, Criminal Macabre and 30 Days of Night, is an understatement. Any fan of horror, crime comics, or novels of the like would absolutely love these stories and the revolving cast of characters. Criminal Macabre is about Cal McDonald, a former cop turned supernatural detective, who with the aid of his ghoul sidekick Mo’lock battle the forces of evil and get just as wasted doing so. 30 Days of Night is the story of vampires attacking a small Alaskan town named Barrow, where the sun goes down for a month and vampires are free to roam. Steve Niles has written several mini-series and novels based on the characters from both properties. 30 Days of Night was adapted as a major motion picture as well as the second story in the series, Dark Days, which was a direct-to-DVD movie. Needless to say, both titles have a lot of history behind them and this story has been building for a long time.
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| Comics’ Finest Love Stories: 5 Comics To Fill Your Heart On Valentine’s Day |

Candy hearts, chocolates, heart-shaped cakes and pizzas, and an open bag of Doritos on the floor next to your bed, this could only mean one thing, it’s Tuesday! But it’s not just Tuesday, no sir or ma’am! It’s more than Tuesday! While it is in fact true that it’s Tuesday, it’s also Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s Day can mean a variety of things depending on the person. But whether you’re single, you really enjoy Valentine’s Day, or if you just feel like you’ve gotta buy your significant other something, we here at Geeks of Doom have put together a little list of comic books to get you through this day filled with love, chocolate, and corporate interest to make you spend money on an item to prove something that you should be proving every day! And isn’t that what it’s all about, love and stuff? Sure is! So, without further ado, here are five of my favorite romantic stories in comics in what I consider Comics’ Finest Love Stories. Admittedly, I don’t read a lot of love stories in comics, so this list may get really weird, really quick. Anyway, here it goes!
...continue reading » Tags: 30 Days of Night, All Star Superman, Ben Templesmith, Black Hole, Blankets, Charles Burns, Craig Thompson, Frank Quitely, Grant Morrison, Kill Your Boyfriend, Philip Bond, Steve Niles, Valentines Day | |
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| Halloweekend of Doom: 13 Comic Books To Haunt Your Halloween |

It’s that time of year again, boys and girls! The temperature has dropped, the leaves have turned from green to varying shades of orange and red; children dress in the guise of their favorite characters, and the flickering of candles show the yellow grins of the jack-o-lanterns adorning the porches of your neighborhood. It’s Halloween, folks, and while there’s plenty of people out there that like cute, plastic pumpkins on their doors, we here at Geeks of Doom like our Halloweens a little more horrifying. So, it’s with this, Halloweekend, that I will be bringing to you a series of horror-themed features that showcase the wicked side of geek entertainment. In the first installment of what I like to call Halloweekend of Doom, I’m going to explore 13 comic books that should get you in the mood for the greatest time of year. The list is in no particular order, and this isn’t intended to be the be all end all of horror comics, but these comics are great to read during Halloween. I’ll cover some that can be considered family friendly, but the majority of these are strictly dark and for mature audiences.
...continue reading » Tags: 30 Days of Night, American Vampire, Animal Man, Arkham Asylum, Batgirl, Beasts Of Burden, Bryan Q. Miller, Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, Evan Dorkin, Grant Morrison, Hack/Slash, Halloweekend of Doom, Halloween, IDW Publishing, Jeff Lemire, Jill Thompson, Kelley Jones, Locke and Key, Raphael Alburquerque, Scary Godmother, Scott Snyder, Steve Niles, Swamp Thing, Tim Seeley | |
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